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Campus Cutie: Roma Nadeem

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

This week’s cutie is an adorable and strong gal that I had the pleasure to meet in my first year. McGill, meet Roma Nadeem!

Name: Roma Nadeem

Where are you from? Oakville, Ontario

Year and major at McGill? U2 Psychology

What is your favorite place in Montréal? Boutique 1861

Best professor and/or class you’ve had at McGill? Personality or Human Motivation, both with Richard Koestner

You recently cut off your long hair for a shorter ‘do! Explain your transition to your (awesome) short hair: My long hair was getting in the way of everything, so I thought it would be a good idea to donate it. After that, I wanted to try out a really short haircut, and I’ve been loving it so far.

What could you see yourself doing/living in 10 years? Fighting sharks

Describe your life with one song title: “Oops! I did it Again”

What’s the strangest thing you’ve witnessed at a McGill library? This isn’t a library, but I once witnessed public fellatio at La Banquise. That was a strange accompaniment to my poutine.

Describe yourself in three words: Energetic, silly, troll

What activities are you involved with at McGill, and describe them to our readers: Right now I floor fellow at RVC, and thanks to my incredible floor, it’s been one of the best experiences I’ve had here. I’m also on the SSMU Equity Committee, which is pretty awesome because there are some cool projects we’re working on for the year.  I’m also running for AUS VP Internal so we’ll see how that goes! Although I’m the only candidate, so hopefully I don’t get a 50% no vote.

Lastly, what will your Halloween costume be?

I feel like nowadays it’s more like what your Halloweek costumes will be haha. I have a few! A party pooper, the Midterminator, sexy poop, or one of those complicated costumes that look like it’s someone else walking but it’s actually just me. Or a cat. I still have a few days to decide.

Lightning round:

Coffee or tea: Tea!

Harry or Ron: HARRY. The chosen one.

Mario or Luigi: Mario

Library or Coffee Shop: Library

Salty or Sweet: Salty

Wine or Beer: Wine


Snowangels or snowmen: Snowmen!

Halloween or Christmas: Halloweeeeeeeen!!! *3spooky5me*

Images provided by the interviewee.