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Campus Cutie: Nathaniel Williams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Major/Year: U0 Mechanical Engineering

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: West Vancouver, BC

Hobbies: I like to keep up my fitness by going to the gym and eating healthy.

Dream Job: Honestly, just any job where I have my own personal secretary…doesn’t really matter what the job is.

What is your go-to place in Montreal? Gerts. Easy.

What things do you look for in a girl? I like it when girls are smart, funny, athletic, and sociable. Or any combination of those 4 things. Oh, I also like it when they aren’t picky eaters.

Pet peeve: When I’m trying to get out of an elevator and the people waiting to get in start entering the elevator before everyone inside has left. Like take a deep breath and wait the extra 2.5 seconds.

What’s your dream holiday? My dream holiday would be to get a group of friends (less than 10) and go to someplace warm like Mexico for a couple weeks. Just to hang out and do things like surfing and jet skiing.

Any extracurricular activities? Just working out during the school year and playing soccer when I’m back at home in Vancouver.

What’s the best place you’ve travelled to? Honestly, anywhere in Hawaii — it’s sunny, warm, relaxing but also has sweet adventures lying in amongst the islands. It would be tough for me to ever get bored there

Turn-offs: Bad teeth — a classic, but it’s a classic for a reason.

Favourite food: Vancouver sushi

Role model: One of my best friend’s father recently survived stage 4 lymphoma and finished his last chemo treatment a few weeks ago. I have a lot of respect for him and admire how much of a fighter he is. Great guy.

Worst habit: Not going to my 8:30am classes.

Favorite thing about yourself: I find that I work my best when I’m under a lot of pressure – whether it’s in school or sports or anything. It’s comforting for me to know that I can perform under a lot of stress, and it makes everything less stressful than it needs to be.

Celebrity Girl Crush: Blake Lively

Celebrity Guy Crush: Leonardo Di Caprio (obviously)

Guilty Pleasure Song: Easily “Timber” by Pitbull and Kesha. Great song, great song.

Where you see yourself in 10 years: I see myself working in Vancouver for either some sort of finance or engineering firm. I’d have a respectable paycheck and a nice single apartment downtown that’s within biking/walking distance to the workplace. Also I’d have a seaside house on Maui that I casually frequent on my holidays.