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Campus Cutie: Justin Fletcher

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

This week’s cutie is someone whose name most of us have heard around campus. Handsome, charming and ever-so-approachable, meet Justin Fletcher. His amazing smile and infectious personality is sure to get your heart racing!

Year and Program: U3 Honours East Asian Studies with Anthropology Minor

From: New York (state, not city) – approximately 45 minutes north of New York City

Relationship status: Single

Describe yourself: Here are some fun facts about me now:

– I’m in my third year of learning Korean language, and this year I’m writing my honours thesis on media representations of homosexuality in South Korea.

– I’ve seen every episode of the Degrassi franchise.

-This summer I really got into Dance Moms.

– I lack athletic skills but I’m surprisingly decent at ping pong.

– This year, I also serve as President of the Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University. So often students don’t know what resources exist on campus or that we are here to help. Thus, I love being able to make an impact at the level of the student and improve campus life. I also really enjoy fast food, almost to a fault – Montreal needs a Taco Bell closer to downtown.

Celebrity crush: Eddie Redmayne and Abby Lee Miller

Turn-ons: (1) Liking cats, (2) Trustworthiness, (3) A penchant for cuddles

Turn-offs: (1) Unreliability, (2) Excessive touchy-feeliness, (3) Taking things too seriously

Favorite song right now: Anything Sara Bareilles

Favorite Montreal spot: Parc Jeanne-Mance, Pharmaprix, and Unity

Spirit animal: Cat

Dream job: I’m really unsure about what I want to do in life right now, but something that challenges me yet allows me to use the skills I’ve already built to bring success to whatever mission I am working on. I am thinking of either applying for a Master’s degree in Korea or applying to administrative positions at universities, as I am passionate about the work that happens at universities to support students.

Craziest thing that’s ever happened to you: When I was 15, I was camping on a small island in New Hampshire, and a tree on the island got struck by lightning. We had to be rescued by boat. Luckily, I was the only one with a charged cell phone on my person.

Where to find you on campus: I live in the Leacock basement. In the off-chance I’m not there, I’m probably at my carrel in McLennan.