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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Meet this week’s campus cutie Dawoon Park! This cutie isn’t only a lab partner extraordinaire but also makes time fly, by cracking up jokes at all times. But don’t be fooled by her cute face. The moment you skip the line in the lab, you are in big trouble!


Name: Dawoon Park      

Year: 3rd year

Major: Pharmacology

Hometown: Philippines

Single or taken: Single

Biggest pet peeve: Being second in line for PCR

Favorite adjective: Lethargic

Best things on your bucket list: Blood donation and Latin dance  

Celebrity guy crush: Bradley Cooper





Fun Facts


What can you cook best? Dumplings and stuffed chicken 

Name one person you want to have dinner with, dead or alive, why? Dr. Zorychta. She is one of my professors, and I would really like to spend some time with her. She’s also a very cute person.

Where is your favorite place to spend a weekend evening in Montreal? Friend’s place

Best birthday gift ever and who was it from? My first birthday party in Montreal from people in my rez! It was called “Dawoon 2012” haha.

If you could have any super-power, what would it be? Teleportation so I can go home whenever I want

Favorite places to shop? I can’t really thing of anywhere but I really like grocery shopping!