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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.
Hometown: Guildford, UK/Guelph, ON
Year and Program of Study: Third year; Cognitive Science, minor Italian Studies
Favorite Food: The ubiquitous pizza. Sorry, I’m boring.
Friday Night Fun Times: Either out for a couple microbrews with a couple friends, or in at the piano with a big ol’ glass o’ whiskey
Single or Taken: Taken
Celebrity Crush: Olivia Wilde UNF those cheekbones
Best Pick-Up Line: “Ten-ton polar bear” “…what are you on about?” “I don’t know, but it breaks the ice” I’m also partial to “Hi, my name’s Daniel”, but my friend Jeff tried it once and it didn’t work out. 
Most Embarassing Moment: So I was out by St. Denis one Saturday evening, having had a couple drinks, as you do, and decided to get a pizza. Now, Pizza Pizza used to have this “demi-sourire” special, where you’d get half a pepperoni pizza and they’d donate some money to charity, which sounded good to me. I’ve been working on my French quite hard, but I’m still learning – I thought I’d give it a go though. So I strolled up to the counter and confidently ordered a “demi-souris”…blank stares and stifled giggles ensued.
Worst Habit: I still bite my nails whenever I’m the least bit nervous. 
Hidden Talent: I know a lot of little things about many random subjects – I was actually in the participant pool for College Jeopardy.
Craziest Thing You’ve Done: Once I put the milk in my tea after I’d already put the water in…never again
Favorite Quote(s): “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” – Thoreau, or alternatively, “I am a sausage machine. A perfect sausage machine.” – Agatha Christie
Biggest Fear: Literally snakes on a plane – both snakes and planes terrify me
Favourite movie/TV Show: Call me stereotypical, but I have not been able to stop watching Doctor Who lately and I see no problem with this – I’m more of a books man than a movies/TV kinda guy.
How cute do you think the McGill student population is? I am normally distracted in lecture at least once a day by a fellow campus cutie, so let that statistic speak for itself.
What would you ask a campus cutie? “Ten ton polar bear?”