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Campus Cutie: Alper Avi Bernadete

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Let me introduce you to Alper Avi, or simply Avi. Read on to learn more about his love for Harry Potter and his great sense of humour.


Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey.

Year: U0

Major and minor: Planning on Anatomy and Cell Biology

Best pick up line: There is a Latin phrase that I’ve always admired and liked – Carpe Diem, Live in the moment…(and kisses)

What would you consider the best day of your life? Hmm, there is definitely more than one, but if I have to give an example, I would pick my Bar-Mitzvah as one of the best memories I have

What advice would you give to yourself if you could go back in time? Do not hesitate on studying abroad. It will be amazing! Also follow your Latin Dance passion

What is your biggest pet peeve? When people want to watch movies and then fall asleep during said movie!

Harry Potter or Lords of the Rings and why? Of course Harry Potter. No explanation required.

Describe your ideal date: Starts with a sincere and fun dinner, followed by a Latin dance night club and of course ends with… ;)

Fictional character you relate to the most: Harry Potter

What is the weapon you would choose to have during a zombie apocalypse? A magical wand

What’s the best or worst drunk experience of your life? This example is my worst and best drunk experience at the same time. My 18th birthday was an amazing night with all of my friends. I wish I could remember it…

It’s 3am on a Friday night/ Saturday morning. Where are you, what are you doing and who are you with? Probably just left the club, going to get drunk food with friends.

Your top 3 things on your bucket list: Traveling, learning at least one more language and meeting one of my favourite celebrities as a friend

How do you think you would do in a horror movie? I would be one of those characters that try to calm everyone down, and who of course manages to survive

Describe your life with one song lyric: “Wish that I could stay forever this young”

Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? “Lamb intestines” (That’s a dish called Kokoreç in Turkish cuisine)

Celebrity crush:  Rihanna