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Campus Celebrity: Animals on the Loose

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity is not a celebrity per se, but rather an act of infamy at McGill – the costume pandemic across campus during exam time. It is something that all students may have seen at one time or another, on their walks to exam rooms or their time spent in the McLennan stacks. Perhaps it is for the purpose of distracting others from studying. Maybe its because these students didn’t have time to pretty themselves up in the morning. I’ve also heard through the grapevine that the best-dressed costume wins some sort of prize (but from who, I don’t know). Whatever the reason may be, it does provide a moment of comic relief for the many students working through their last papers and their final exams of the semester. 

In my first year at McGill, I was preparing myself for my last exam when I noticed someone who did not look like everyone else going into the exam room. The quality of my 2008 iPhone does not do it justice, but in this photo is an individual wearing a full-body dinosaur suit. 

A year or two later, I witnessed the sequel to the dinosaur entering the library. My friend and I both looked each other immediately afterwards and said, Was that a cow? (Note: udders)

And then this year, while I was perusing Facebook (working hard hardly working) I came across this photo depicting the exact same phenomenon I had seen in my past years at McGill – but this time two, instead of one individuals rocking animal costumes during exams. 

So whoever you are, and whatever the reason, thank you for providing us all with a laugh – and a study break – during one of the toughest times of our academic careers. Keep the weird costumes coming!

To everyone who hasn’t finished exams – good luck! And hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! See you next semester!

(Photo credits: the last photo is from MCMUN’s Facebook page)