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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

McGill, are you ready? A new year calls for a fresh batch of campus cuties. Introducing Brian Hendery, a freshman hailing from Western Massachusetts with charming eye-wrinkles and “smeyes” that go on for days. This babe will make a mark on ladies’ hearts for years and years to come. Check out more facts about dreamy Hendery!

Name: Brian Hendery
Age: 18
Faculty/Year: Arts U0 (undecided, but leaning towards English Literature)

Relationship Status: Single

Hobbies: Playing the guitar, long walks on the beach, candle-light dinners, and any sort of outdoor activity

Dream Job: I would like to teach either high school or college students one day. 

Favorite sticky note color: Purple

Three things you must do as a freshman: Survive, introduce the French people to pumpkin pie, and get a ride up north to see the northern lights.

Perfect date: Watching movies, not in theaters though, but in my room with sweat-pants on.

Favorite feature (of yourself): My eye color (hazel), I like that they’re not one solid color.

What do you look for in a significant other? Intelligence, Looks, Genuine, Someone I can relate to.

Guilty pleasure: Game of Thrones, books not the show.

Favorite pickup line: “Do you want some tea?”

Craziest thing you’ve ever done: Moving away was probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done. 

Where would you go, if you could go anywhere? NEW ZEALAND, I would love to camp through New Zealand!

Embarrassing moment: I was sitting through a class assembly and I usually have a habit of rubbing my legs when I’m sitting down. After awhile, I noticed I couldn’t feel my legs and suddenly realized that I was stroking the leg of some other guy sitting next to me.

What do you do to stay so good-looking? I don’t exercise. I walk. I bike. I shower… I have a little bit of (hair) paste.

Have you always been this good-looking? No.