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The Beginning of Senior Year, as Told by TV Characters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

This is it — you’re finally in your last year of undergrad!

Your first reaction is to celebrate, because oh man, you’re thisclose to being done.

That, of course, involves consuming large amounts of alcohol…

…and generally feeling superior to everyone else.

But then it sinks in a little more: YOUR’E IN YOUR LAST YEAR.

Everybody’s asking you, “What are you gonna do after you graduate?” as if you have a clue.

And in your head you’re just like

Oh, and what about all the work you have to do? Where do you even begin?

It’s all very overwhelming, to say the least.

Still, you have to realize that you’re not the only one dealing with all this craziness; your friends are probably really overwhelmed, too.

And in the end, it’s all gonna be okay if you tell yourself it’s gonna be okay.

So go kick some senior-year ass! After all, you want to finish your undergrad with a bang instead of a whimper, right?