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Back to School: Where to Get Style Inspirations this Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Montreal—the creative heart of Canada for its visual art, film, theatre, and even fashion. If you just moved from the quiet lifestyle in more rural areas of Canada to this fast-paced and trendy city, you may feel lost and out of place in the artistic sense. I know I was, having moved here from the tiny city of Duncan, where the closest and only clothing store was the small clothing section at Superstore. Like the first-year me, you might be more accustomed to wearing your comfortable large hoodie over your black leggings and maybe a pair of moccasins. That’s fine, but those of you who are dying to try out a new style or even create a new look for this upcoming school year, but have no idea where to start – I have some tips for you!

Go old school; pick up a few magazines from a nearby store

We’ve all got our shiny computers with worldwide resources, but personally, I don’t like to have an overwhelming amount of information. I like to pick up a magazine, browse through it with my fingers brushing against the glossy paper and to be able to look intently at the pretty items without my eyes hurting from the glare of a computer screen. It doesn’t have to be the popular Vogue or Elle, you can also try Dazed or NYLON which I find are more appealing to young women in their 20s. Do try to avoid the sometimes ridiculous high fashions that are captured on the runway, instead make a mental note of certain items that go well together that you think would suit you, like that high-waisted jean shorts worn with a pair of classic black Vans. You might even want to start your own scrapbook!


Don’t be afraid to ask

Some students in this city have really got their fashion sense fully realized, and would probably love to share some tips and tricks. So next time you see a girl rocking accessories at an Arts Wine and Cheese event, ask where she got her necklace! It’s a great conversation starter and an easy way to make new friends this fall.

People watching (my personal favorite)

Everyone knows that Montrealers have style. There are so many creative people expressing themselves through their clothes, and it’s truly entertaining to watch them pass by. Sometimes it’s more inspiring to see what and how how everyday people dress, instead of the same old skinny models advertising clothes on the cover of magazines. Still, be careful not to get carried away by other people’s fashion, it may not be for you.

Always be bold in what you wear

Looking good will help you feel good and courageous when you are nervous on your first day back or your brand new start at McGill. Make sure to keep following our style blog for more tips and tricks on how to dress the part of a cosmopolitan student in Montreal. Good luck fellow collegiettes! 


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