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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

YouTube is growing in popularity, and for a good reason. There are so many funny and inspirational people on there that it’s hard not to become addicted. With time, it has become one of my favourite pastimes. Here are some of my favourite YouTubers that I highly recommend for you to check out:

America Revere


America is a second year medical student from Texas who makes weekly vlogs about her life in medical school. She gives advice on balancing studying and social life in medical school and study tips, and also makes videos to encourage others. Even if you’re not interested in medical school, her videos are still really enjoyable and motivating.

Alonzo Lerone


Alonzo Lerone is by far one of the most hilarious YouTubers I’ve come across.  He makes videos such as “dumbest fails on the internet”, strange products for sale online, translation fails, and more, and his reaction to things is priceless. If ever you’re in need of cheering up, or just want a good laugh, all you need to do is watch some of his videos.


Alisha Marie


I’ve been watching Alisha for years and her videos have always been great.  She makes many beauty and fashion related videos, as well as DIYs and prank videos. Her personality is so bubbly and fun, it’s hard not to feel happy when watching her videos.


Safiya Nygaard


Safiya’s videos are really unique and fun to watch. She makes many videos where she tests things out, such as apps, makeup products and clothing items. For example, she makes videos where she buys strange clothing items and wears them for an entire week, and then gives an honest review. 


Patricia Bright


Patricia is a YouTuber from England who makes fashion and beauty-related videos as well as vlogs. My favourite videos of hers are the ones where she tries on clothing from online stores and gives her opinion on them. Her reactions are hilarious and her videos always make me laugh. 


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