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Campus Cutie Marianna Moynihan (’18)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MBU chapter.

Year: Freshman

Major: Theater

Hometown: Croix-ds-bouquets, Haiti

Favorite Place to Relax: By and By Coffee

Relationship Status: Single, and ready to mingle!

HC (Her Campus): What was it like growing up in Haiti?

MM (Marianna Moynihan): Well, before I was born, my parents decided to move from Memphis to right outside of Chicago. We had a house there, but we would go back in forth. We’d do like a month in the U.S. and then two months in Haiti, and until I started Kindergarten it was great! After that, my homework really started to pile up!

HC: So you weren’t homeschooled?

MM: No! (laughs) I went to a bilingual academy for Spanish and English.

HC: Tell me about your dancing!

MM: In Haiti, dance is a really big part of the culture, so I learned from an early age and I practiced Voodoo dance, which is like the dances they do to evoke the gods (which isn’t why I did it! (laughs)). The girls in my class and I did for Dessalines Day (which is kinda like MLK Day) to pay homage to our past.

HC: What styles of dance do you practice?

MM: Ballet, Hip Hop, Classical, Contemporary, and Interpretive and they’re all pretty much self-taught.

HC: What’s your favorite dancing style?

MM: Step, which is Hip Hop. I was on a step team in Haiti.

HC: Do you have any other hobbies that you like?

MM: I like to draw, and I love to act!

HC: So are you fluent in any languages other than English and Spanish?

MM: Yeah! I’m also fluent in French, Creole, and Sign Language, and I’m a beginner in Italian.

Kalli-Anne Hymons is a devoted student in Mary Baldwin College's Early College Academy. She is an English major with a minor in Creative Writing. When she isn't getting lost in a new book or catching up on her favorite shows on Netflix, you can find her studying or working hard in class. Kalli-Anne was born and raised in Chesapeake, Virginia, and enjoys reading and playing field hockey.