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Taking a Gen Ed Class During Your Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

Taking general education classes in college is something that no one can escape.

Usually you take these classes during your first three years of college. But, if you’re like me, gen eds are something that you put off because they are so boring (and hard). So, here I am during the last semester of my senior year taking all but one gen ed classes. So here is how I feel in every gen ed class this year…

 The classes are harder than major classes. – Probably because I have no idea what the professor is talking about, nor am I interested.

I always feel like I don’t know anything. – I am definitely more prepared for major classes.

Pretty much no one knows what they’re talking about. – And, despite what the professor says, that is not okay.

Discussion boards are irrelevant. – I’ll do them for the bonus points but I mean come on.

Despite everything, I am actually learning something.