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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

Fresh of Marywood Men’s Soccer’s double overtime victory over Neumann… Say Hello to Sophomore Soccer player, JR Hall!

Name: JR Hall

Age: “19 and a half”

Graduation year: “2018…possibly”

Relationship Status: “…to be announced…”


Her Campus Marywood (HC): Okay JR, what’s your major and why?

JR Hall (JR): Business management because I’m following in my dad’s footsteps.”


HC: What are you involved in on Campus, besides soccer?

JR: “PBL… it’s a business frat.”


HC: So, you guys just won the CSAC semi-finals, what was that like?

JR: “Exhilarating #mumsyo.”


HC: What is your ideal first date?

JR: “I would say ‘netflix and chill’ but I’m going to be a gentlemen and say dinner and a walk on the beach.”


HC: What’s your favorite thing about Marywood?

JR: “the people and the things that happen off campus.”


HC: Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus and what do you usually order?

JR: “Probably McGowan… and you gotta go with a chicken bacon ranch.”


HC: What’s your favorite thing to watch on Netflix?

JR: “Breaking Bad.”


HC: Blondes or brunettes?

JR: “Brunettes.”


HC: What’s your biggest secret?

JR: “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.”


HC: Who’s your role model and why?

JR: “Andrew Pellechia because he means very well in life and he’s a ladies’ man.”


HC: What’s your favorite type of candy?

JR: “I think kit kats.”


HC: What’s your favorite class you’ve taken at Marywood so far?

JR: “Probably management and career..it was cake.”


HC: Why did you pick Marywood?

JR: “I didn’t really pick it… it just kind of happened.”


HC: What’s your life motto?

JR: “Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea.”

Alexandra Goebelbecker is a senior Advertising and Public Relations Major with a Comprehensive Social Science Minor. She co-founded Her Campus Marywood in April 2015 with McKensie Curnow. She makes up 1/2 of political column, Back to Back with co-author, Anna Notchick. In addition she is an intern at Condron Media, Student Activities Shadow, President of service sorority, Alpha Sigma Psi, Vice President of Marywood's Chapter of PRSSA and AAF, and LYM Campus Crew Member. Additionally she is a former  HC Campus Expansion Assistant and current High School Program Mentor.  Her passions include pop culture, popcorn and politics.   For more of Alexandra's Work: https://alexandrajgoebelbecker.wordpress.com