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Marywood Celebrity: Anna Notchick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

Pennsylvania born and raised this week’s Campus Celebrity is gearing up to become a high powered lawyer in Washington D.C. Meet Anna Notchick!

Name: Anna Notchick

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: History/Political Science (Pre-Law)

Hometown: Dunmore, PA



Her Campus Marywood (HC): Why did you choose to attend Marywood University?

Anna Notchick (AN): When I was originally visiting and applying to colleges, I wanted to go away from home but after researching tuition costs I realized it would be better for me to live closer to home but still on a campus.

HC: What are you involved in on campus?

AN: I serve as Recruitment Chair for local sorority, Alpha Sigma Psi, I am a writer for Her Campus Marywood and a tutor for freshman Pre-Physicicans Assistant Majors.

HC: Why did you choose to get involved in Alpha Sigma Psi?

AN: I joined Alpha Sigma Psi because I really didn’t have many friends freshman year and I thought the best way to make them would be through a servive based sorority that would link me with girls with similar interests. I think sororities are really empowering for young women and has allowed me to meet people that I never would have otherwise. Greek Life although new to Marywood’s Campus has been extremely beneficial to myself, my sisters and our school community.

HC: Favorite memory or part of being involved with Alpha Sigma Psi?

AN: At the end of recruitment this past October, the Potential New Members recieved their bids and I realized that all of my hard work had paid off in the end. It was extremely rewarding!

HC: What is one thing you would like to accomplish during your time at Marywood? 

AN: My dream is to start a mock trial team at Marywood to encourage future lawyers to prepare for life after graduation.

HC: Nazareth Dining Hall? Or The Atrium Diner in McGowan? and favorite thing to order?

AN: Definitely the Atrium, I always get a Bacon Egg and Cheese on a plain bagel with a side of bacon.

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

AN: Hopefully I will be in my second year of law school somewhere in the Washington D.C. area. If not D.C. then New York or Phildelphia, somewhere with a lot of opportunity.

HC: What is  your dream job?

AN: Without a doubt, White House Chief of Staff.

HC: If you could change one thing about the world, What would it be?

AN: I would make it more financially affordable to travel and experience other cultures.

HC: What is your life motto?

AN: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”-Eleanor Roosevelt

HC: If you were trapped in an elevator with any three people who would they be?

AN: John F. Kennedy Jr, Martin O’Malley and Beyonce.

HC: Who would play you in a movie about your life?

AN: Cara Delevigne because she’s one of a kind.

HC: Any Advice for other Marywood students?

AN: Get your work done during the week so that you have the weekends to yourself!



Alexandra Goebelbecker is a senior Advertising and Public Relations Major with a Comprehensive Social Science Minor. She co-founded Her Campus Marywood in April 2015 with McKensie Curnow. She makes up 1/2 of political column, Back to Back with co-author, Anna Notchick. In addition she is an intern at Condron Media, Student Activities Shadow, President of service sorority, Alpha Sigma Psi, Vice President of Marywood's Chapter of PRSSA and AAF, and LYM Campus Crew Member. Additionally she is a former  HC Campus Expansion Assistant and current High School Program Mentor.  Her passions include pop culture, popcorn and politics.   For more of Alexandra's Work: https://alexandrajgoebelbecker.wordpress.com