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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

We sat down with the authors of Her Campus Marywood’s newest political column, Back to Back to discuss their upcoming publication and what inspired them to start this.

Her Campus (HC): What is Back to Back?

Alexandra Goebelbecker (AG): Back to Back is a bi-partisan political commentary by millenials and for millenials.

Anna Notchick (AN): On a weekly basis we will be discussing major political issues from the viewpoint of a millenial Democrat and the opposing view of a millenial Republican.

HC: Where did the idea for this column come from?

AN: We had initially discussed writing a single piece together about the upcoming election and our very different perspectives on it. But, we quickly realized that we could not get all of our feelings out into one article and instead opted to launch a weekly column.

AG: The original inspiration came from our oppossing viewpoints as a way of showcasing the perspectives of members of both parties instead of creating a one-sided argument.

HC: So what political issues are much important to you?

AG: I am most passionate about social issues. The most important issues to me are ending abortion, maintaining gun rights and freedom of speech and the press. 

AN: I also think social issues are very important. In opposition to Alex, I am pro-choice and fully support gay marriage. I also support the institution of Common Core standards and heavier restrictions on gun laws. 

HC: Who would you say your political role models are?

AN: Martin O’Malley, Joe Biden and John F. Kennedy 

AG: Megyn Kelly, Ronald Reagan, Nikki Haley, Alexander Hamilton, Peggy Noonan, and Paul Ryan.

HC: What are your majors and political aspirations?

AG: I am double-majoring in History/Political Science and Advertising/Public Relations with the dream of managing political campaigns and one day serving as the White House Press Secretary.

AN: I am a History/Political Science major with minors in Pre-Law and Sociology. My hope is to go to law school in Washington D.C. and staying there to become a lobbyist for women’s rights.

HC: When can we expect your first column and what are you going to be discussing?

AN: Early next week and it’s a big topic.

AG: One of us will be fighting for funding Planned Parenthood and one will be fighting against. Can you guess who is who?

Alexandra Goebelbecker is a senior Advertising and Public Relations Major with a Comprehensive Social Science Minor. She co-founded Her Campus Marywood in April 2015 with McKensie Curnow. She makes up 1/2 of political column, Back to Back with co-author, Anna Notchick. In addition she is an intern at Condron Media, Student Activities Shadow, President of service sorority, Alpha Sigma Psi, Vice President of Marywood's Chapter of PRSSA and AAF, and LYM Campus Crew Member. Additionally she is a former  HC Campus Expansion Assistant and current High School Program Mentor.  Her passions include pop culture, popcorn and politics.   For more of Alexandra's Work: https://alexandrajgoebelbecker.wordpress.com