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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

Wow! It’s so hard to believe that we have hit the middle of February. January is behind us and I’m sure many of your New Year’s resolutions are as well! That’s okay though. For once in my life I decided not to make New Year’s resolutions. I never stick to them and I honestly find them quite pointless. Over the past month though I decided to use this year to focus on myself and really enjoy life and all that it encompasses. We are in such a great phase of life, college, and for many of us it’s almost over. I have decided I need to use this year to enjoy my last moments of being young and free. I want you all to be able to do the same and make this the Year of You. To make that possible I have compiled a list of things that can make this your best year yet!

1. Do Something Adventurous 

I myself am already an adventurous spirit, but I want to use this year to do something I have never done before, whether it be skydiving, bungee jumping, or just a simple trip somewhere. Think of something you have always wanted to do, but were afraid to. Go and do it! Now is the time. 

2. Say Goodbye to Toxic Friendships 

In order to work on yourself and build yourself up this year say goodbye to toxic friends. If someone is bringing you down or putting you down, it is time to let them go. Spend less time with them and more time with people who truly care about you. 

3. Change Up Your Scenery 

This step can be as extreme as moving or as little as rearranging your space. I love redecorating and rearranging my room. It helps relieve stress and just gives you a sense of comfort. With comfort and less stress you can better focus on yourself and other tasks that you need to get done. 

4. Spend Time Doing Things You Love

Lastly, spend time doing things that you enjoy doing. I constantly find myself going with the flow so I can please others, but I have decided this year I am going to do things that I enjoy. When it comes to going to a movie, I’ll suggest a choice. I’ll create activities and game nights that I know I’ll enjoy as well as everyone else. Take time to bring back an old hobby or brush up on a current one as well. 

No matter what, try to make this your best year yet. We are only young once and it’s time to enjoy it and live it up! I wish you the best with your Year of You!