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#ThrowbackThursday: Starting School (As Told By GIFs)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

The new school year is here. It is time to lay down our memories of summer love, beach vacations, and summer jobs and trade them in for the fresh smell of a new syllabus, a pack of pencils, and move-in days. It is a time that some people dread, while others can’t wait to begin. Well, ready or not- here it comes.

A new semester is near…

This means it’s time to say your goodbyes to hometown friends….

Pack everything you need…

And regret all that you didn’t get to do over the summer…

After all of the preparations you realize that it gets real when you walk on campus that first day…

You ready yourself for the long lectures…


And, of course, time with friends…

Your new journey is beginning…

It’s time to set new goals for yourself…

And not just survive, but thrive…

As you prepare for another semester with realistic expectations…

And a positive attitude…

Are you ready, yet?