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Take A YouTube Study Break: 4 Beauty Gurus That You Need In Your Subscription Box!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

Since I started college, I haven’t had a lot of access to television. Because of this, I soon became accustomed to watching YouTube videos; mainly ones relating to beauty and fashion. Featured in this article are 4 of my personal favorite beauty gurus who provide helpful tips and tricks on all things makeup, hair, and fashion. I have also included a video that each girl has uploaded to give a taste of the awesome things you will find on their channels! So, go ahead and drop the calculator to take a little break to catch up on all things girly! 

1) Kayley Melissa 

I have been watching Kayley since the beginning of her YouTube career and am absolutely obsessed with her! Being a licensed cosmetologist, she takes you step by step in her videos through crazy gorgeous hairstyles, which really only look complicated! 

2) Loey Lane 

I recently discovered Loey not too long ago when I came across her body confidence videos. I soon realized that she also made amazing beauty and fashion related videos as well! Her videos focus on body confidence and are mostly geared toward plus-size girls. They are definitely inspiring and my personal favorites. 

3) Nikki Phillippi

Nikki’s videos feature great tips on hair, makeup, and fashion. Her video concepts are super creative and her bubbly personality makes them super interesting to watch! 

4) RachhLoves

Fashion, beauty, hair, college advice, DIY’s, recipes! What more could a girl ask for from Rachel’s amazing videos?! She is always mixing it up with her channel and is not only a fashion forward mother with an adorable baby, but is very relatable to us college girls. 


I strongly urge that while you’re taking your study break, you check out other videos on these ladies’ channels, but don’t get too carried away. As they say, “School comes first!” 

Abigail is an MU junior majoring in fashion merchandising. She loves being a part of Her Campus and expressing her creativity through her love of writing. Additionally, she writes monthly editorials for College Fashionista, where she is a Style Guru. When she is not writing, you can find her singing, going hardcore preparing her dream wedding on Pinterest, reading Christian romance novels, and watching the most unrealistic reality television.