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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

Name: Kevin Cramer

Year: Sophomore

Major: Politics with a minor in International Studies concentrating in Foreign Affairs

Hometown: Wilmington, Delaware

Clubs, Teams, and Organizations: Student Government Senator, President of Black Student Alliance (BSA), I work at the Lee Center, and am an Overnight Ambassador

Hobbies: My clubs are my hobbies. I love to make a difference, so you could say activism is my hobby. But I also like watching TV.

What is your favorite part about being a leader on campus?

Being a mentor, people looking up to me. The freshman look at me different, as if I have sense of authority. We are all peers, but there is respect there. And I really like that.

Why did you choose to attend Marymount?

I applied to a lot of big institutions, and I got into them. I didn’t do well on my SATs, and I was embarrassed by that. Decision day came around at my High School and I hadn’t decided. I applied to MU out of the blue, I Googled the area because that was a big selling point. It also had my major. I came for Orientation and was sold, and then I was awarded the Presidential Scholarship. I felt as if Marymount invested in me. I sent in a lot of stuff so they’d know who I was, and they invested in me as a person.

What is your favorite thing about Marymount?

I love the sense of community. To compare to other schools, we have a very family environment. The President of the University knows who the students are. We know our Caf is, you know who the administration is. They follow you on Facebook. Its a great thing to know about the people around you. We take the time to get to know people and be nice to them. I also love the diversity.

What is a typical day in your life like?

I am always going somewhere. I go to class. I go meetings, I have office hours for SGA, then go to work at the Lee Center, and then study at night time. 

What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?

Well, I am a sophomore, so two more years here. But after that I want to go to grad school for ambassador programs. One I am looking at involves doing 27 months in the Peace Corps, and then finishing grad school.

What is your most memorable moment at Marymount?

My most memorable moment is Orientation. I realized that it was the real deal. Like, the real world was starting. Dreams were going to come true, They said look to your left and look to your right, some people won’t be here at graduation. That stuck with me.

What have you been able to take away from your years so far at Marymount?

My friendships. I have made my best friends here, I can tell them anything and I know they are always there for them. We do not take each other for granted, and we always say what we appreciate one another.

What is your dream job and how do you think you’ll get there?

My dream job is to be an ambassador. Grad school and studying abroad will be a big part of that. I’d like to get an internship abroad or in the State Department. But I have to start looking for grad schools and internships soon. Also, networking and keeping my grades up. I think it might take ten years to achieve the dream.

Favorite color:

I have favorite color schemes!  So like neutrals, yellows, and reds.

Favorite TV shows:

I watch so many TV shows. I love Sailor Moon, Charmed, How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, and Grey’s Anatomy. I also love Vampire Diaries.

Where do you want to travel?

France, the Middle East, and Africa. I really want to go to Africa, I want to go to where I am from. It would be an amazing and powerful experience. 

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Telekenesis, like in Charmed.

Favorite book?

Harry Potter series, Twilight Saga, The Hunger Games Series, and the Insurgent Series.

What is your favorite quote or motto?

I have two: “Live life by your own design and not by someone else’s default.” and the other is from Martin Luther King Jr. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”