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How to be Productive Over Summer Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

The key to being productive is to manage your time wisely. In order to do so, you must plan and prioritize. Figure out what is most important to you; figure out what you need to do; and stick with that goal until you accomplish it.There are many facets to time management because time management is really life management.Call upon self-actualizing principles, and manage your life!Here are 4 ways to be productive over summer break:1)  Fail to plan, plan to fail.Productive people have plans.  They know what’s important, and they know what’s necessary to accomplish what’s important. Execute your plans in a timely and stylish manner and you will find success. What do you need to do this summer? Being social, applying to graduate school, getting a summer job, and going to the gym are all great activities to work into your schedule. Without plans, you’re likely to accomplish less than you want.

2)  Prioritize.Planning and prioritizing are intertwined. What should you do first? Consider homework over shopping. There is one activity that is clearly more enjoyable for you, but let’s say homework takes precedence. So, perhaps you write that essay first, and then go shopping. That cute Marc Jacobs bag might still be available. *figures crossed* See, you can have it all, if you prioritize. Fabulous!

3) Stop procrastinating.The key to being productive is to be active and steady… STOP PROCRASTINATING!  Accomplishing your goals takes devoted action.  So, stop putting off important tasks. The majority of college students struggle with this, so you’re not alone.  Do it now, not later!  Remember, journeys of a thousand miles begin with single steps.  Just take a single step every day until you can take more. 

4) Productivity requires balance.While goal-setting is important, productive people stay away from hyper-focus on one goal to the detriment of other important values.  Productive people know that their production requires work-life balance.  Catch up with an old friend. Go out of town for a few days. Revive an old hobby. Date. In the end, productivity is not more important than happiness.  The two should go hand in hand.

Bam! There you go- productivity in your life.Life management leads to ultimate fulfillment. When you use your time wisely, your days become better. This is not only because you accomplish what you need/want to do, but it also improves Y-O-U and your life by creating a productive person.Have a great (and productive) summer!