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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Create a New Perspective this Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

As the fall semester comes closer to a screeching halt- deadlines, inhumane amounts of caffeine, and late nights can take over our inner being… and sanity. Thanksgiving is coming up and during this time, we can feel anything but thankful. It is so easy to take everything we have in this world for granted, especially when we are slammed with difficult assignments and personal difficulties. I want to encourage you in this time to take into consideration what you can be thankful for and how you can turn a situation around in an instant… with the right attitude.

What you’re thinking: “I really don’t think I can spend another second looking at this paper”

Be thankful: that you have the opportunity to a greater future with your education

I know at least half of you rolled your eyes at this first one but it’s completely true. There are girls in this world that would do anything to be in your place- earning a degree that will help you towards your future. I know it’s difficult but try to be thankful for the research paper that’s giving you so much trouble:  you may be changing the world one day, and this paper is only the beginning of that.

What you’re thinking: “It is freezing outside. I hate waiting for the shuttle like this”

Be thankful: that you have a warm place to rest your head at night

Being in the D.C. metro area, we see homeless people all over the city holed up in coves and crevices with piles of blankets. This Thanksgiving, be thankful that you have a place to rest your head at night, and a living situation where you are actually able to change the heat and air conditioning settings. Not many people have that privilege.

What you’re thinking: “Everything in the dining hall is awful tonight”

Be thankful: that you actually have food to eat

Questionable food yes, but it is food. And soon you’ll be home or with family and/or friends for even greater food and company. That is something to be thankful for.

What you’re thinking: “If the WiFi shuts down one more time…”

Be thankful: that you actually have access to internet in the first place

And a phone, and a laptop, and whatever else you may have that makes your life so much easier. The internet will return. And don’t worry, your countless devices will be ready for it.

What you’re thinking: “I’m so exhausted”

Be thankful: that puppy GIFS exist


Yes, we’re all guilty of complaining about various parts of our lives, and a few of them are completely legitimate worries. However, others are just every day things we take for granted. If you take what you are going through and try to look at it in a different perspective by making it positive, it’s amazing how much your outlook on life can change. These are only a few of the things in this life that we get to be thankful for as college students. I hope you are encouraged to give back this Thanksgiving, whether that is donating to a local food bank or volunteering a bit of your time to help with meals for the hungry. Sometimes even showing a person on the street that you care may make an enormous difference to their lives this Thanksgiving. 

Here’s to a happy, healthy, and, above all, thankful Thanksgiving!