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The 12 Things a Marymount Student Has Said at Least Once

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marymount chapter.

Come on, we’ve all said it…

  1. “I think it’s a cereal night, don’t you?”

Sometimes the dining hall food just can’t compete with that inviting and familiar bowl of Lucky Charms.

  1.  “2 in the morning, REALLY?!”

This goes out to all the residents who have been jolted awake by a fire alarm, usually because of burning popcorn.

  1. “Why are at least half of the doors on campus alarmed?”

We all would like to know.

  1. “Let’s go to Ballston/D.C. for dinner.”

One of the advantages of going to a city college-awesome food options that cause us to spend even more money we don’t have!

  1. “The Wi-Fi is killing me right now.”

Perfect Wi-Fi at MU just may not exist.

  1. “I could really go for Lola’s right now.”

Why is it closed on weekends, again?

  1.  “I’m just going to lay in bed and watch Netflix all day”

Actually, this is probably a statement students across the country have said many, many times.

  1. “The shuttle is never going to get here, is it?”

There are many ways to state this same problem: the shuttles are usually never on time.

  1. “I wonder if I’ll find a parking spot today.”

Only one thing can compare to Marymount parking in the mornings- the demolition derby.

  1. “Oh look, Blackboard is down…again.”

What you say when you get one of THOSE emails

  1. “I guess I’ll just do laundry when I go home over break…”

This is the result of a limited amount of washers plus 2803846137 students trying to wash their clothes all at the same time. Oh, and pure laziness. 

  1. “I love my school.”

Linda Quinones is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Marymount. She is also a member of the executive board, specializing in recruitment for the Student Ambassador program. The 21 year old is originally from New York City and has dreams of working for Seventeen Magazine and making her mark in the fashion industry. She was raised by a single mother, whose hard work, sacrifice and independence inspires her everyday to be the best she can be.