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Work Out Oh-Oh-Orgasms anyone?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

So the possibility of a flatter stomach, firmer thighs, and a tighter butt won’t get you out of bed and off to the gym, well then what would do the trick? How about a promised orgasm? Yep, that’s right. What if we here at HC told you that if you went to the gym, that you would have a full-out orgasm? We’re talking about a classic When Harry Met Sally type of orgasm! Well, believe it or not, it’s possible.

I too was skeptical at first until one of my roommates brought up the term after a late night work out session. As I lazily ate my late night diner food on my bed in pajamas, she came in from the gym with a huge smile on her face. Jokingly, I commented on her relaxed yet chipper mood and said, “Well did ya find a hot guy at the gym and get some or what!?” Her response made me sit upright on the edge of my bed. “It’s called a ‘coregasm,’” she said.

According to researchers at Indiana University, it can happen without any actual intercourse or fantasy. So you’re probably asking yourself, “Well then how does it freakin’ work?” Sex therapist Victoria Zdrok Ph.D.,spoke with Women’s Health Magazine to provide the answer.

“A lot of women require a buildup of tension in their legs before they can achieve the release of orgasm,” Doctor Zdrok said. “So, when a woman exercises, the release of endorphins and dopamine, which are necessary for orgasm, combined with the tension in the abs and lower extremities, can cause the clitoral stimulation.”

Other doctors believe that certain exercises that work the quads and inner thighs cause orgasms because of the squeezing of the pelvic muscles. Whatever the secret is, we think it’s worth some looking in to especially since most women have a hard time trying to orgasm in the bedroom.

“About 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone—that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands, or tongue,” according to study done by ABC News. “And 10 to 15 percent never climax under any circumstances.”

So next time you’re thinking about skipping the gym just to take a nap, think again. Your next trip to the elliptical may be an orgasmic one! If it happens to you, tell us! We want to know—just comment below!