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What Your Fall Outerwear Says About Your Personality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

As the leaves change to shades of gold, the wind chills closer to the bone and finals creep closer, collegiates all over campus are pulling on layers to keep warm.  Every article of clothing put on is a choice and that choice says something about you.  Although we keep hearing “don’t judge a book by its cover”, the truth is that our clothing gets interpreted by the beholder.  But not everything is a bad critique.

Leather Jacket

A leather jacket is the ubiquitous symbol of a street style star.  No matter what you wear, you always look edgy and cool — with the personality to match.  People are intrigued by you and often try to figure you out. You’re tough and have no problem speaking your opinion. You also have a sweet side, especially toward your closest friends.

Varsity Jacket

Varsity jackets aren’t reserved solely for the star athlete anymore. You’re a sporty girl — or at least you want to look like you are. You’re a laid-back person who likes to have fun and you have a sense of humor that people are drawn too.  You probably have a lot of friends who are just as chill as you are.


College Sweatshirt

Some may assume you were too lazy to put on something nice in the morning, but the reality is you love being a Terp.  While some students betray Maryland by wearing Salisbury or Duke sweatshirts, you proudly display Testudo on your chest for everyone to see as you participate in every school event.  You also love comfort and the fact that Maryland’s colors go with everything, so you’re actually making the most of your wardrobe while representing UMD.

Trench Coat

You’re a classy girl with classy style. You never have a hair out of place and your clothes always fit just right.  You like simple, elegant clothing and have the calm attitude to match.  But this doesn’t mean that you’re boring or uptight; you know how to have fun – you just don’t go overboard.

Chunky Sweater

Just like the college sweatshirt girl, you love comfort.  You’re just a little more interested in fashion.  You might pair your sweater with riding boots and leggings to get the most out of your relaxed chic style.  Relaxation is really important to you; it’s not uncommon to see you lounging with a hot mug of coffee and a good book.

With the power of clothing, you have the ability to tell people who you are – and sometimes who you’re not. If you want to make a different impression, try wearing something you don’t normally wear. You might discover what you hate wearing, but you might also discover a new part of yourself.