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What To Do Instead of Going to the Beach This Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Spring break is almost upon us and many students are still unsure how to spend the week off of school. For those who still have no idea what to do here is a tip for you.

Skip the beach. Skip the Caribbean. The whole college campus will be there soaking up the sun and the fun. But here is why you should skip the beach this year.

1. The beach will be packed

Going to the beach is so popular during Spring Break. So naturally it’s going to be super crowded. Why spend a week some place that is so crowded that you cannot even walk around without possibly tripping over someone?

Why would you want to be packed like a can of sardines, sweaty and smelling like liquor?

2. You can go to the beach whenever.

The beach is not going anywhere and there are a lot of different beaches out there. So sure, the beaches around you may not be as beautiful as the beaches down in the Caribbean. But the beaches are not going anywhere anytime soon. So why not choose a time when there are fewer people there and instead use the week as a time to relax rather than party?

3. It is expensive.

Airline tickets do not come cheap, not to mention hotel fares when you get there. Vacations are naturally expensive and of course with so many college students coming into the area, prices naturally spike up during this time. Why not wait until the prices are discounted?

4. There are going to be creepy guys everywhere!

Hello? Hundreds of college students are going to be in the same area at once. Hundreds of college girls. Hot, skinny, and ready to party. If you don’t know what I’m getting at, you should turn on the TV or google search spring break. You will see what I’m talking about.

So what should a crazy college student looking for a fun spring break do instead?

1. Road Trip: There are loads of things to do in all 50 states so why not grab a few friends together and hit the road, just to sightsee? No need for a destination. You just need a road and some great company. Why be stuck on a crowded beach when you can be out exploring?

2. Meditate: Hum…. School was stressful? So why not take a week to yourself, away from people and spend some time to reflect on yourself. Center yourself and prepare yourself for the second half of the semester. It will be a great breath of fresh air.

3. Catch up on TV shows: Nothing like laying out on the couch catching on TV shows with not a care in the world. Spring Break is a great time to watch as much TV as you possibly can.  The tests and projects and obligations can wait.

4. Visit your friends at their universities: Many college spring breaks are not during the same week. So why not take this break as a chance to visit your friends at their universities? This is a great chance to experience the college life at another university and plus, a chance to catch up with old friends.

5. Take a Walk around the Park: Not literally, but take this chance to really notice and enjoy your surroundings. Leave the college campus and explore the little nooks and crannies that may exist.  Breathe in the fresh spring air and do some people watching. Go to places you’ve never been before. Try out new restaurants. You never know what you might find. 

There are so many great alternatives to going to the beach that there is absolutely no way you will be bored this spring break!