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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Since we were kids the most important part of Halloween has been the candy. Yes, of course our costumes were always a huge decision that we would start contemplating in August. However,  it was all in an effort to make sure we would get the best, and of course, the most candy. After all, you really can’t have the “Trick” without the Treat!”

As we’ve grown up, the costume part of the holiday has been in and out as a top priority. When we were in middle school and early high school, most people went trick or treating without a costume. But now in college, the two components are equally important. So I decided to figure out what type of candy is the ultimate favorite among UMD students.

I chose the candies that I thought were the most popular throughout the year and then added candy corn for those who love the Halloween specific candies.

I posted a survey similar to this one in both the class of 2019 and the class of 2020’s Facebook pages. The results were interesting, but in my opinion, expected. Overwhelmingly, among both classes the favorite candy was Reese’s with 78 votes overall.

Kelsey Talley, a sophomore marketing major, picked Reese’s because she loves chocolate and peanut butter. “I have a sweet tooth and so Reese’s is perfect for Halloween!”

The least popular candy, which was a little surprising to me, was Swedish Fish. I have always thought of Swedish Fish as a pretty popular candy, but I guess for Halloween it is not what people would want to get in their pillowcases. After the survey had been posted for a couple of days, people started to get creative and there were some write in’s that were added. Of these, Twix got the most votes with 46, putting it in third place behind Kit Kats. 


From this survey we can see that UMD students are very passionate about their candy choices. Which is completely understandable! Candy is a very important part of Halloween, as its a holiday completely devoted to candy. So stuff your faces this Halloween, and have a great time fulfilling all your candy needs!



Hi I'm Mel, a senior studying communication with a focus in public relations and government & politics here at the University of Maryland. I hope you like what I have to say!