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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.


Whether your style is girly, hipster or somewhere in-between, take a look at some of the looks displayed by your fellow UMD students-maybe you’ll be inspired to create your fashion style!


Rebecca Hollandsworth
Senior English major
What are you wearing?
Shirt: Target
Sweater top: Kohls
Corduroy pants: American Eagle clearance
Jacket: TJ Maxx 
Shoes: Flats from Macy’s (I think…they were a present).
Where’s your go-to store to shop? Kohls or JC Pennys
What’s your favorite fall accessory/fall item and why? I love boots.  They’re perfect for the weird campus weather and make any outfit look a little more fashionable.

Kaaren Kargbo-Reffell
Junior Behavioral and Community Health major
What are you wearing? 
Top: Hollister $20 
Pants: H&M $20
Strawberry Hat: Not sure, maybe $5

Junior Cellular Biology and Genetics
What are you wearing?
Top: Marshall’s $10
Cardigan: H&M $10

Maria Velasquez
Sophomore Behavioral and Community Health
What are you wearing?
Blazer: thrift store
Scarf: H&M
Dress: H&M
Tights: Forever 21
Boots: Forever 21