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The Struggles of Preparing to Study Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

It’s that time of year again… tailgates are coming to an end… happy hour is moving indoors… and midterms are right around the corner (or currently here). BUT currently the major dilemma for multiple students attending UMD has nothing to do with life in the lovely College Park.

We’re talking about studying abroad.

Study abroad is an amazing opportunity for UMD students to grow and learn in another beautiful country, while meeting an array of foreign people ( or exploring new places with old friends). However, there is a multitude of decisions that need to be made before embarking on this journey of a lifetime. If you have studied abroad in the past, have just been accepted to study abroad or plan to study abroad in the future, you will relate to these common study abroad struggles.


1.     Deciding if study abroad is the right option for you


For some people studying abroad is not the right option for them… and that is totally fine. You may miss out on the delicious Italian food, and beautiful sights along the coast of Spain. But it’s understandable to want to stay close to mac and cheese pizza at Slices, and romantic walks around the fountain of The Mall.

2. Choosing where to “study”


Think back to how difficult it was to decide which college you would attend. Now, this is a whole different scenario. Instead of picking which state to spend your next four years in, you’ll be choosing which country to spend four months of your life in. The time spent is definitely less but the choice of experience is extremely important.

3. Filling out program applications


The applications are long, questions are pointless and the time it takes you to actually fill out the application is frustrating.


4. Meeting with your abroad advisor

Every single person on the planet (of Maryland) is trying to get in to have a meeting with her respective abroad advisor. The advisor is generally over-booked, has minimum options for hours and is never in the office when you actually have the time to come in. And you still leave confused.

5. Submitting your application


The two to four week waiting period between submitting your application and waiting to hear back is brutal and petrifying.

6. Getting accepted to abroad


WOO! You can finally breathe! You have been accepted into the program of your dreams!!!!

The day that everyone (and I mean everyone) gets accepted to study abroad, Facebook will blow up with posts from the email screenshots congratulating students on their acceptances.  Your profile has never before received so many likes. Foreign countries across Europe, Australia, Israel and more will soon become flooded with American students.

Arrivederci, Adiós, Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye! 

Hi I'm Taylor Brooke sophomore at the University of Maryland! I'm a communications major and spend most of my free time writing and listening to music. I'm a member of Kappa delta sorority at UMD!
Jaclyn is so excited to be a campus correspondent with Her Campus! She is a sophomore at the University of Maryland, double majoring in Journalism and American Studies. Jaclyn hopes to work as an editor at a magazine in the future. She loves following fashion, attending concerts, traveling, and photographing the world around her.