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Rock the Hoodie for Trayvon Martin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Fashion magazines everywhere are loaded with floral prints, mini skirts, and colorful cardigans on each page to help welcome in the spring season. So it might seem odd that we here at Her Campus are encouraging our readers to simply wear hoodies this season.
Yes, you could wear a crop top, but what impact would you be making? (Other than looking fabulous of course!) However, if you were to wear a hoodie today, you could be sending out a message more powerful than any other item of clothing in your closet ever could.

Trayvon Martin is the 17-year-old African American teenager who was shot and killed by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in Florida last month. Citizens across the nation are outraged that George Zimmerman has not been convicted of murder.
Among the many protests going on from coast to coast was the huge gathering in Los Angeles entitled the “Million Hoodie March.” Those in attendance were encouraged to march with hoodies on symbolizing the fact that Trayvon was wearing a hoodie at the time of his death. 
Athletes along with celebrities are all sending their support by taking pictures in their hoodies. In fact, Democratic congressman Rep. Bobby Rush was kicked off of the house floor for recently wearing a hoodie.

Other notable people have taken to Twitter to get their message across.
“I wear hoodies. I’ve also written for the LA Times, NY Times and ESPN,” tweeted journalist Jonathan Abrams. “What would Trayvon have been if he were allowed to live as long?”
You don’t have to be a celebrity to be a part of the movement. So this spring, make the biggest fashion statement you could possibly make and simply wear a hoodie.
By just wearing that one article of clothing you will be sending out a message along with thousands of others- a message filled with peace, respect, love, and unity. We are Trayvon Martin because this case affects us all.