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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Name? Roberto Rosario
Age? 19
Major? Microbiology
Campus Residence? RA in Cumberland Hall           
Hometown? Bronx, N.Y.- originally; Laurel, M.D.
Status? In a relationship
What movie character does he wish was in real life?
Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man or Sherlock Holmes because of his unique sense of humor.
What is his signature outfit?
Nike hightops, dark wash and slightly embellished jeans and a super soft T-shirt!
Favorite thing about CP?
The fact that I can see my girlfriend!
What is one thing people would not know about him at first?
I have the ability to be social, but am very introverted.
Dream job?
Genetic medical research to develop a cure for genetic disorders acquired at birth. The gratification of helping so many people at once would be incredible.
What would he fill a swimming pool with?
Sugar in the raw.
What is your favorite UMD pastime?
Spending time together with your closest friends and enjoying each other’s presence. Ultimately, in 10 years you may not remember the joke, but you will remember that you were laughing your ass off and having a good time with people.