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The Pros and Cons of Relationships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

So I feel as though I should start off by stating that I am not a relationship guru, but I have been through enough to know a thing or two. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but as women, sometimes we have trouble knowing when we have Mr. Right and when we need to get rid of Mr. Wrong. There are always pros and cons to ending a relationship or keeping a relationship, but if you get to the point where you have more reasons to let go than to hold on, maybe its time to reevaluate your relationship. Below are some reasons to hold on to an old relationship and reasons to let go.
Reasons to Let Go:

•                Levels:When you and your guy appear to be on different levels in life it may be time to let go. For example, you want to finish school, travel, and settle down while he wants to go clubbing every night. There is nothing worse then being in a relationship where the other person cannot possibly understand what you are going through.
•                Scum:Well this is obviously a no-brainer, but many of us are guilty of holding onto the guy who can’t keep his paws off other women, also known as scum. If he can’t see you as one-of-a-kind then maybe its time to let go.
•                Self Esteem:Some men have this habit of picking out women’s flaws and feeling the need to share these flaws. You should never subject yourself to a man who feels the need to tell you on a daily basis everything that you could improve on.
•                Other people:There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to see what else is out there. When you are young and you are not tied down its normal to wonder. If you begin to feel like you want to meet new guys it might be time to let go.
•                Distance: I am a firm believer that long distance relationships can work but you both have to be wiling to make the effort. If you can’t, it might be time to let go.
Pro and Con of Letting Go
Con:Letting go of something involves recovery time. It takes a while to get over somebody you truly cared about.

Pro:Letting go will give you the chance to see what else is out there and have more quality time with friends.
Reasons to Hold On:

•                Love:If the thought of not talking to him every day makes you sad then hold on. BUT remember that if he isn’t putting in the same effort, maybe you should consider whether it’s really love.
•                Change:People change, especially when you enter college, but if the person you are with is willing to accept the changes you’ve made and change and grow with you, that is definitely somebody worth holding on to.
•                Supportive:During college you are going to face many dilemmas between picking your major, finding an internship and job, choosing a graduate school, etc. If you find a guy who is supportive of anything you do, he is worth holding on to.
•                Admitting he’s wrong:A guy that can put his pride aside for the person he cares about and apologize when he is wrong is somebody you should hold on to.
•                Safety: You should never have to fear the person you are with. Guys should make you feel safe and cared for.

Pro and Con of Holding On
Con:Sometimes holding on means preventing yourself from seeing what else is out there.

Pro:If you have the right guy and you both want to make it work, holding on allows you to communicate and work through your issues to grow as a couple.