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Olivia Rodrigo’s Guts Is Extremely Relatable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.
article by freelancer sanya wason

It’s no surprise that Olivia Rodrigo’s sophomore album Guts dominated charts worldwide. Rodrigo’s teenage perspective on the world creates a certain relatability to her Gen Z listeners. While her debut album, Sour, is largely considered a break-up album, Guts falls under a different category. Guts contains a range of songs, but regardless of the genre, Rodrigo’s lyrics consistently hold the secret starter pack to being a teenage girl. 

The opening song “All American B*tch” is representative of what it feels like to be a teenage girl in today’s society: expected to be calm and serene, but never too much. Society tends to put too much pressure on young women, which is especially reflected from Olivia’s perspective since she has been a Disney star since the age of 12. In an interview with Nylon she said that, “I’m very aware of that classic “Disney pop girl” archetype…people always ask me, Oh, did you say fuck in ‘drivers license’ to show that you aren’t just a Disney star?” 

Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl” is an anthem to the girls out there who never feel like they belong anywhere. When I first heard this, I thought of Taylor Swift’s “A Place in This World”, but with more angst. Olivia says in an interview with Interview Magazine, that “we undersell how full of rage and angst young people are.” Dare I say that this song exudes Alanis Morissette energy?

“Logical” is giving “Traitorvibes and I’m here for it. After hearing the first few songs I was not expecting Olivia to channel her break-up-esque style from Sour, but she certainly delivered. Watch out everyone, because Olivia is back with her heart-wrenching bridges (and she’s out for blood).

“Pretty Isn’t Pretty” is my personal favorite track from this album. Every single word written is so deeply relatable, I almost thought Rodrigo went through my notes app as inspiration for this song. Unfortunately, it’s not just me who feels this way. Eating disorders and body dysmorphia are extremely common among young women. While Olivia herself has never mentioned an eating disorder, many other celebrities have. 

The closing track “Teenage Dream” was the reason I ran out of tissues in my dorm. This song screams “being a teenage girl is such a hard feat!” After gaining my sense back from the shock of the first few listens, I began associating this song with coming-of-age movies, like “The Edge of Seventeen” and “Lady Bird. ” 

Rodrigo’s sophomore album accomplishes the “soundtrack of what it feels like to be 19 and grow into your 20s” (from Rolling Stone) vibe that she wanted. I’m sure the Guts tour will be full of girls in sparkly dresses, crying on the floor. After all, that’s what being a teenage girl is all about, right?