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New BodyPump Fitness Class at the ERC

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

The beginning of a new semester can bring about thoughts of “new semester resolutions” for a number of college students. You may tell yourself this semester you will get better grades, attend ALL of your classes, and make time for exercise regularly.
But after a long day filled with lecture halls, club meetings, and studying in the library, dragging yourself to the gym to lift weights and get those toned arms you have been dreaming of is the last thing you want to think about.

Campus Recreation Services’ new group fitness class BODYPUMP makes reaching your semester fitness goal easier. BODYPUMP is a 70-minute long group fitness barbell class – 60 minutes of working out, with 10 minutes allocated for setting up and putting away weights.
The new class was unveiled at Eppley Recreation Center’s kickoff event, “BODYPUMP Official Launch Party” on Tuesday. Chaska Hansen, a sophomore Spanish major, attended the launch party on a whim. She had no idea of what to expect.
“I thought it would be more group cardio, but at the end I was happy and satisfied because it focused more on muscle building, which is my goal,” Hansen said. “I especially liked the deadweight lifts.”
The class involves the use of a barbell, an aerobic step, a yoga mat, and sets of 2.5, five, and 10 pound free-weight plates. A certified BODYPUMP instructor plays upbeat music while showing you how to use the weights. At the kickoff event, 10 tracks were played as the instructor led exercises working major muscle groups including triceps, biceps, back, abdominals, chest, and shoulders.

The amount of weights you put on your barbell is your decision. While some beginners in the class stick with the 2.5 and five-pound weights, those seeking a challenge are welcome to put multiple plates on their barbells.
Michelle Regius, a sophomore romance languages major, said she was nervous about trying out this new work-out class. Although she is a regular zumba, abs and low back, and yoga group fitness attendee at Eppley, she had never tried a weight lifting class before. After her experience at the kickoff event, she said she might go to future BODYPUMP classes.

“My favorite part of the class was the environment because going to a weight lifting room is overwhelming with all of those jacked up dudes,” Regius said. “I loved the music and the instructor. Also, the group environment really motivates you.”
So if you happen to be lacking the motivation to go to the weight room by yourself, grab a friend and give this new group fitness class a try!
Campus Recreation Services offers BODYPUMP Monday through Friday and Sunday. The class is taught ERC aerobics room and the multipurpose room at Ritchie Coliseum depending on time and day. Here is the link to the group fitness schedule: