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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Name: Mike Devine
Year: Sophomore
Major: Psychology & Pre-Med
Relationship Status: Single
Hometown: Eldersburg, MD
Most creative theme party you’ve attended this year?
CEO’s and Office Ho’s
Favorite hobby?

Definitely going to the gym or playing soccer. School would drive me insane if I couldn’t exercise.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done at UMD so far?
Well, the problem here is that the craziest things happen on the nights that I can’t seem to remember…
Where would you take a girl out to dinner in College Park?
If I had to stay in College Park, I would probably take her to get sushi or to Applebee’s. I would much rather go somewhere nicer though, like into D.C. or the Inner Harbor.
Would you ever sing for a girl?
Yes. It might not be perfect, but it won’t sound too bad!
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Confident, Determined, Reliable
When was your first kiss?
I think it was probably 8th or 9th grade. I remember back in kindergarten though, kissing a girl under the slide on the playground, but real kiss? Probably 8th grade.
What is the first thing you notice in a girl?
Definitely eyes and smile. I’m a sucker for eyes, it sounds silly but you can really tell a lot about a person from their eyes.
And what’s the first thing you think people notice about you?
The most obvious is the hair… but then probably my blue eyes and I mean…my butt’s pretty big. Kinda hard not to notice.