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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.


Name: Marqus Nixon

Class: 2015

Major: Economics

Activities: Club Basketball Team, Arrival Survival Team, Economics Association of Maryland

Status: Single 


Who’s your Celebrity Crush: Mariah Carey

What’s your Ideal Date?  “It’d have to be something fun—something active. I’d probably enjoy something like bowling or mini golf. Then we’d just get something to eat afterwards.”

Turn Ons: “A girl who’s down to earth, intelligent, and overall just wants to have fun.”

Turn Offs: “ I really can’t deal with self-centeredness or with someone who is shallow.”

What’s the sweetest thing that you’ve ever done for a girl?: “My previous girlfriend told me what she wanted for Christmas back in August, but she did not think that I would remember what she said. I did remember though, so she was really surprised.”

Name a place where’d you like to travel to: “I’d like to go somewhere in Europe. I really want to visit Rome and France.”

What’s currently your favorite song? ”Suit & Tie by Justin Timberlake”

What’s something that you would like to women your age? “Bare with us [men]. At our age especially, we’re going to make mistakes, but when we truly care for you, we’ll try to find a way to make it better.”

What’s a quote that you live by?: “You can’t worry about yesterday since it’s already past, you can’t worry about tomorrow, so just enjoy today.”

What’s the most attractive feature on a female?: “A female’s most attractive trait her smile because I like to see that they’re genuinely happy. Plus, everyone wants to be around those type of people.” 

Jaclyn is so excited to be a campus correspondent with Her Campus! She is a sophomore at the University of Maryland, double majoring in Journalism and American Studies. Jaclyn hopes to work as an editor at a magazine in the future. She loves following fashion, attending concerts, traveling, and photographing the world around her.