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Losing Weight: How to stick to your New Year’s resolution throughout the semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

As the clock ticks and the ball begins to drop, many of us vow that we will hit the gym and shed that notorious holiday weight. We are determined to dedicate ourselves to vigorous cardio regimes and not even look in the direction of any kind of desert. At first, it usually starts out pretty well. During the month of January our motivation level is high and we actually find ourselves at the gym and sticking to some sort of diet, or at least cutting back. Eating two cookies is better than seven, right? But as January comes to a close and February soon approaches, our dive begins to slow and skipping just one day at the gym turns into two, then three, and soon enough it’s a struggle to remember the last time you laced up your sneakers. Here are some tips to stick to your resolution and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of the spring semester:


Get some sleep. I know, you’ve probably heard this a million times before, but turning out the lights a little earlier can have multiple health benefits. Getting more sleep can help you retain more information and improve your overall mood, but it can also help you when it comes to losing weight. According to Harvard Health Publications, sleep deprivation can alter the way your body processes carbohydrates, leading to weight gain.


Drink more water. By replacing high calorie drinks with water, you can cut out thousands of calories from your diet every year. The easiest way to make sure your getting plenty of water is keeping a reusable water bottle with you and filling it up whenever you get the chance.


Check out this cute Lilly Pulitzer water bottle:

Or this University of Maryland water bottle from the bookstore:

Added bonus: drinking more water can keep your skin looking fresh and healthy!

            Replace your favorite junk food with a healthier equivalent. Many of us have a sweet tooth, which can really be the downfall when it comes to losing weight. There’s no reason to cut out your favorite foods, just try and find recipes that replace certain ingredients with healthier ones. Puppy chow is usually a favorite for those of us who have a soft spot for sweet treats. By using fat free ingredients you can have the same snack for 100 calories per cup instead of 365! Here’s the link to the recipe
(Photo Credit: Watch Me Do)

Like fried chesses sticks? Check out this recipe:

  (Photo Credit: Taste of Home)

You simply wrap string cheese in egg roll wrappers and bake. You get that same crunchy taste, but for fewer calories.

Try a new workout. Running on the treadmill get old, and fast. Change up your routine by trying a different type of cardio. The ERC offers Zumba (dance fitness) six days a week and yoga everyday of the week. You can burn some serious calories while still having fun.

Grab a friend. You are much more likely to stick to a diet if you have someone to motivate and participate with you along the way. So grab your roommate, boyfriend, or anyone else who is seeking to trim down as well, and come up with a reasonable schedule that you will be able to stick to together.

Losing weight is something that many girls struggle with, especially when you have a busy college schedule to keep up with. By making simple alterations to your daily life you will be able to, in time, loose that extra weight and lead an all around healthier lifestyle.