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Inside the Female Mind from a Male Perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

It’s been made pretty clear that some superpowers are just unrealistic.  The odds of a man flying or having some type of invisibility power are odds not even Vegas could make.  Having said that, one might argue that the power of being able to read a woman’s mind could be looked at as an equal phenomenon as soaring through the air or being able to walk through walls. 
Think that’s crazy? Just ask the thousands of men every day that get rejected by women who have been leading them on all night with drinks and flirtation, ending up just going home with their friends.
“How could a girl act like she’s into you and leave you broke and lonely at the end of the night,” Sam Allen, junior economics major, said. “It’s just wrong.”
It is imperative to point out the fact that every man, whether the most egotistical or the most humbled and inverted, believes that after a woman has given him more than a moments attention that she is undoubtedly interested and sexually attracted.  While that standpoint may be false in most of a man’s encounters, a man cannot help but feel this way because when following the male instinct, that mindset holds truth.
For the most part, if a guy gives enough sentences to a girl in a given conversation he is 99% of the time putting it on the table that he is interested, usually regardless of how the rest of the conversation plays out.  Therefore, guys assume that girls are thinking the exact same thing they are.

“I think it’s so funny that just because you talk to a guy they think they have you in the bag,” Kelly Rowe, junior communications major, said.
The problem lies in the fact that most of the male species is unaware of the obvious fact about men and women: we are different.  Yes we are all human, but guys and girls are built differently than each other and therefore wired differently as well.  It is unfortunate that most men will not take that into consideration.
For the most part, guys’ minds are in one place and as a result, can only help but assume that the girl they’re talking to has the same picture of where she’s ending up at the end of the night.
One might impose an alternative way of approaching your romantic interest or even just approaching an every day surface encounter.  For men, why not try to decipher what the girl your talking to is looking for and what might make the conversation increase attraction based on her intentions.
If she is shy and seems to be waiting for you to say something, maybe ask questions to show that you are truly interested, or to at least act like you are. Try compliments, those never hurt.  If she is witty and outgoing why not entertain it with your own clever banter and try to keep it going until you either succeed or run out of sentences and have to rely on your dancing shoes.   Anything that deviates from the obvious mistake of getting ahead of yourself in thinking she wants the same thing you do. 
For women, one can only hope that you understand where men are coming from.  We have very one-track minds and are creatures of habit and simplicity.  It is understood that the female mind and body is extremely more complex and nearly as decipherable as Da Vinci’s code, but you can’t blame a man for assuming you’re into him when you’ve been chewing off his ear and cleaning out his pockets all night.
It is a lesson to be learned for both sexes.  Guys need to realize that girls are a different species.  We fear what we do not know, so rather than go in blind and assuming you know what’s going on in a woman’s mind, perhaps it makes more sense to try to understand and figure it out.  Never hurts to have a few tricks up your sleeves.
“If only I knew what was going on inside the mind of a girl,” Jon Rogoff, junior criminal justice major, said. “It’d be like fishing with dynamite.”
And in contrast, girls need to accept their god given advantage and use their powers for good and not evil.  Girls need to be more delicate with the male brain.  If you can toy with its simplicity, it means you can’t appreciate it.