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How to Master Elevator Talk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there: stuck in an elevator with a stranger, just counting down the seconds to escape the awkwardness of elevator silence. You check your hair, fix your shirt, stare at your shoes – whatever it takes to avoid making eye contact! The truth is, talking to someone you don’t know can be nerve-wrecking. They might not be interested … you don’t want to be a nuisance. After all, what is there to even talk about?

Instead of looking at your phone and pretending to be busy, take advantage of those 10-15 seconds of confinement and do that one thing you’ve been meaning to do – make a new friend. Step out of your comfot zone and get to know your neighbors! You never know what kind of relationship or connection might spark from small talk and what you really have to ask yourself is: what’s there to lose?

Whether that person is your world’s biggest crush or a familiar face that you happen to run into every now and then, these conversation starters will guarantee an elevator ride that’s more rewarding and worthwhile than those silly selfies of your friends on Snapchat.

Friendly introduction & conversation starters:    1. “I’ve never seen you around. Do you live here? … Oh cool, I live on the ___ floor. What about you?”    2. “I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere. Have we met before? … Oh well, I’m _______. What’s your name? … It’s nice to meet you!”    3. “How’s the 3rd floor? I don’t really go there that often … Is it loud on the weekends? It gets pretty rowdy/it’s nice and quiet on my floor.”

Finding common ground:     1. “You live on the 5th floor? So do I. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before. I’m ________.”     2.  [point to flyer/poster on elevator wall] “Have you ever been to any of these events before? Yeah, I’m not sure if they’re lame or not … I’ve been meaning to check one out.”      3.  “Are you just getting back from class? Me too, I’m exhausted. What’s your name?”

Observational opportunities:      1. “What are you listening to? … Oh cool, I’ve never heard of them before. What’s your favorite song by them? I might have to check them out.”      2. “Are you on the ______ team? … That’s awesome! I’ve been wanting to go to a game. How have you guys been doing this season?”          3.”I like your bag/nails/jacket/scarf/boots/shirt/sweater. It’s really cute! … Where did you get it? I might have to get one myself.”

The most important thing to keep in mind when talking to strangers is to smile! Be genuine. Show off that unique and vibrant personality of yours by using your observational skills to show someone that you’re interested in geting to know who they are. It’s flattering when people take the time to notice the little things. You might even end up making someone’s day. In times of uncertainty, we just have to remind ourselves’ we’re all people and there’s really nothing to be afraid of!