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Hear the Turtle this Presidential Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

CNN was on the TV in our apartment while my roommates and I ate our standard Wednesday night pasta dinner. Since this specific channel selection was a rarity in our pop-culture-invested, football-enthused abode, it prompted one of my roommates to, for the first time ever, start a dinner table discussion about politics.

 “I don’t have a clue who to vote for, and I don’t even know if I’m a republican or democrat, so should I just not vote?” she asked. Before I could finish chewing my food and object to her suggestion, my other two roommates agreed that they too didn’t know what action to take on Election Day.

I’ll be the first to say that politics isn’t for everyone. The lengthy speeches, backdoor strategizing, and never-ending “he said, she said” are hard to keep up with. As college students, we tend to get caught up in our own little bubble within College Park and often forget about the happenings within the nation’s capital just a few miles away. But whether we like it or not, the 45th president of the U.S. will be elected come November 6 and it is important that all eligible voters take part in the selection of our next Commander-in-Chief.

This year’s presidential election might actually be one of the most important elections this country will have, according to Michael A. Cohen of Politico.com. So for those who don’t know which candidate to vote for, now is the time to get informed.

President Barack Obama (Dem.) is running for reelection. According to his official campaign site, Obama plans to create economic growth from the middle class out, develop resources (including oil) domestically, provide quality, affordable health insurance to all Americans, cut taxes for the middle class, spur states to raise classroom standards, and invest in clean energy. To find out more, visit www.BarackObama.com

Mitt Romney (Rep.) is the former governor of Massachusetts. According to his official campaign site, mittromney.com, Romney’s plan “seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.” To find out more visit www.MittRomney.com

There is no reason or excuse for sitting out the opportunity to choose our next president. Take the time to make a decision about which candidate will receive your vote this Election Day. Because at the end of that day, the candidate who wins the votes of the citizens of this country will heavily impact your life—the job you graduate with, the education you receive, the healthcare you’re insured, and rights you’re given. So get informed, get registered, and vote!

Register to vote at www.RockTheVote.com!