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Halloween: Don’t Make it a Social Issue

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Ah, Halloween, the ~spookiest~ time of the year. It’s all fun and games until someone shows up in something utterly offensive.

I’m not really sure what goes through someone’s mind when they think it is okay to dress up in a costume that clearly makes a joke out of a social issue. Totally, 100%, not the point of Halloween. 

Some may think offensive Halloween costumes are funny and in good humor, but honestly, they are not. There are just so many other things to dress up as instead of a “Sexy Donald Trump,” or anything that pokes fun at racial or gender stereotypes.

I get it, you can only be a cat for so many Halloweens, but seriously, it is not cool. I can guarantee you no one will be laughing if you show up in anything offensive. If you are even slightly questioning whether or not your costume is appropriate ,than it’s probably not appropriate. And trying to make anything sexy that is not normally sexy usually doesn’t turn out that great, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

It should be obvious, but the reason why you shouldn’t dress up in an offensive costume is because it will hurt someone. It doesn’t help the issue either. Now more than ever, it is important to think twice about the things we say and how our actions could cause very serious reactions.

We need to make an extra effort to keep politics and social issues out of Halloween, because no one wants to ruin all the fun. Halloween should be a time where we don’t have to worry about all the bad shiz going on in our world. 

Halloween is a good time, let’s keep it that way. So when you go out for halloweek/weekend, just remember that having fun with your friends outweighs the need to do something that pushes the limits a little too far. Express yo self, but also respect yo self and others. 

Get creative, eat some candy corn, maybe carve a pumpkin and remember to have a whole lotta fun, you halloweenies!