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Grabbing Lunch Made Easy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

 Lunchtime at Adele H. Stamp Student Union is very, for a lack of a better word, crowded. The amount of students trying to get in a meal before class is overwhelming. Moby Dick, Panda Express, and even Chick-fil-a lines people up between 11:30 AM and 2 PM. In the following paragraphs, I will give you my humble, freshman opinion on some of the choices offered at the Student Union.

 Panda Express(es)- If you are looking for some great greasy food that can kind of pass as Chinese, this fast food restaurant is the place for you. Of course, I too have my moments where I break down and need a spring roll because they are so good there. Journalism major, Sarah Goodwin loves the orange chicken, “It is my favorite thing to eat at Stamp, it’s just so good.”

Then there is the Panda Express that sells Japanese food. Yes, I did venture into the uncharted territory of spicy tuna rolls in a food court. And actually, I have no regrets because that spicy tuna was delicious. That is right student population, widen your horizons and venture out to the Panda Express no one goes to, because it could end up being great.

Sbarro- I don’t know about you, but I feel like Sbarro follows me. I mean when all else fails there is that pizza that is conveniently placed right next to me when I walk into the overwhelming food court. It is sort of like, if all else fails I will eat Sbarro kind of thing, it even reminds me of home a little because there was one in the food court in Boca Raton, FL as well. I always stick with a plain slice of cheese, when I go, which is often.

Moby Dick- If you are feeling crazy, but not crazy enough to venture into the land of Panda Express Japan, try a little Mediterranean at Moby Dick. It is often overlooked because of the intimidating menu, but I totally recommend that you go over and try some delicious falafel because few things in this world are better than fried chick peas in pita, trust me.

McDonalds- I mean, we all have those I need a McFlurry moments in our lives.

Chick-fil-a- Despite our campus’s best effort to kick this growing fast food restaurant off of campus, Chick-fil-a is still one of the most popular places to eat. I myself do not share the same beliefs as the establishment, and therefore have not eaten at Chick-fil-a this year.

The Co-op- If you ask most people if they have ever been to the Co-op most will look at you and ask what the heck the Co-op is. Well my friends, it is a magical place where they serve healthy options and have real slices of turkey. This haven of health food is hidden in the basement of the Student Union near Subway. I personally recommend the turkey special, it could change your life. Each employee is very nice and totally looks like a very cool hippie, all and all, lunching at the Co-op is a very enjoyable experience.

I hope my review of these fast food restaurants will help you make better choices when it’s 12:45 PM and you need to grab something quickly to make your class at 1.  

Mariah is a senior English Language & Literature Major at the University of Maryland. She was born and raised in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area but was recently bitten by the travel bug and can't wait to visit as many places as she can! She is excited to be a Campus Correspondent, along with Hannah Chang, for the Maryland branch of Her Campus. Mariah enjoys spontaneous road trips, lots of coffee, obsessing over Breaking Bad, and working on the next great American novel (or so she likes to think!).