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Dating in College: Yay or Nay?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Dating is an interesting and complicated ideal. One person entering a relationship of commitment with another can become a hard or amazing ideal. Let’s talk about dating in college. The concept of a drunk college boy falling in love with the pretty sorority girl doesn’t happen every day, but is a very likely possibility. We live in this world that revolves around three things: studying, alcohol and boys. Relationships are inevitable they occur and begin every single day but is being in a relationship in college an acceptable possibility? 

After speaking with numerous members of the Maryland community, I realized that everyone has different relationship experiences and preferences vary depending on the type of person you are. 

Dating in college? YAY

“As a student in a relationship at the University of Maryland, I am very happy that I met my boyfriend in college. I was convinced that I wanted to go to school far away from my house in New York and would have never considered myself a homebody. But, after my first semester at Maryland, I missed my family, my dogs and my house so much that I contemplated transferring. Then I met Sean. During the beginning of our relationship, he took me on several dates in his hometown of Bethesda, Md. I loved spending time with Sean’s family and especially loved playing with his golden retriever puppies! His home became my home away from home. And with only twenty minutes away, we continue to spend the occasional weekend at his house to get away from the College Park madness.  I’ll forever be grateful to Sean that he made me feel at home in Maryland. As a senior graduating in six weeks, I am so happy with my time at school and if it weren’t for my relationship, I can confidently say I wouldn’t have had the same great experience.” – Maddy Lyons, senior communications major in Kappa Delta Sorority.

Dating in college? LONG-DISTANCE YAY!

“I’ve never planned to have or not to have a boyfriend. I think relationships just happen by chance, and I’m happy being in a relationship even though I’m in college because I met a great guy who makes the struggle of long distance worth it. A negative aspect is sometimes having to miss out on things here because I go to visit and vice versa, but I never doubt that I’m happy in my choice.” – Emma Santos, sophomore PR major in Tri Delta Sorority.

Dating in college? BOY PERSPECTIVE YAY!

“I enjoy having a girlfriend because I enjoy having someone around who really gets me and understands me. It is like having a safety net always around of someone that I know cares about me. When I first came to Maryland, I really wanted to hook up with as many girls as possible because I enjoyed the chase, however, now that I’m a senior, I finally realize how much more special and satisfying it is to be with a girl that you really care for, and how enjoyable it is to see your relationship grow.” – anonymous, senior boy at UMd.

Dating in college? SINGLE PERSPECTIVE NAY!

“I think it depends on the person. Personally, I think being single in college is fun and enjoy playing the field and having nothing to worry about, but that’s because I’m also not the type of person who needs to be in a relationship all the time. I can barely manage my own life the last thing I need is another person I have to worry about 24/7. However, some people love being in a relationship and having the constant reassuring feeling of having someone there. I think for this type of person, it’s best to be in a relationship because they would be miserable single. Personally, however, my happiness doesn’t depend on constant male attention.” – anonymous sophomore sorority girl.

Dating in college? MY PERSPECTIVE NAY!

“I find sometimes people feel pressured to start a relationship in college and remain in some consistent path. However, I am at a time in my life when I think being in a relationship and relying on another person is unnecessary. At least for me, that is. I believe I am an independent college girl and the only person I need or want to rely on is myself. I have plenty of friends and a solid support system and I think dating someone at this stage in my life is a mistake. I have so much I want to accomplish in my life and so many achievements I want to fulfill. This is the time I need to focus on me, my career, and my future. I don’t need a boy to distract me and I don’t need a boy to make me happy. I’m very happy as the person I am today and at the place I am, there is plenty of time to date someone later on.” – Taylor Eitelberg, sophomore PR major.

Now that I’ve given a few different dating perspectives to analyze and think about you can comment your own personal stories and feelings about this issue below!!

Hi I'm Taylor Brooke sophomore at the University of Maryland! I'm a communications major and spend most of my free time writing and listening to music. I'm a member of Kappa delta sorority at UMD!