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Creative Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

As “poor college students” many of you probably get stressed when thinking about the money you’re going to have to spend on holiday gifts. With those dollar signs floating around your head, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with trying to get great gifts but still stick to your budget.
Well, there’s a simple solution to this issue: get creative! Chances are, the people you’re getting gifts for would appreciate anything you give to them, so why not show them you care by using these creative gift ideas that won’t break your budget:

One great way to save some cash is to make a do-it-yourself gift by putting your skills to work.  If you’re a great baker, maybe bake them some of your famous cookies or if you are a knitting extraordinaire, you could make them a scarf to keep warm this holiday season. This is a perfect gift idea for a good friend of yours who you constantly exchange gifts with. They know you care, and will therefore appreciate a personal, hand-made gift from you more than anyone else.
A homemade card is also a nice touch for those of you who are very creative and want to personalize the card so you can say what you want. “I really like doing creative things like knitting my friends scarves as gifts because one it’s cost effective, but it also is more personal than buying something or just giving someone a gift card,” sophomore studio art major Jenn Rothschild said.
Don’t think you’re so artistically-talented? Another clever idea is to look online for some great deals. Sophomore journalism major Samantha Medney suggests using sites like eBay.com, where the options are endless. “I think eBay is great because you can look at something as specific as you’d like, but you can also put in a general search and see what you get,” Medney said. “You can really get creative that way.”

Sites like eBay or Amazon are also useful because the prices are generally much lower than what they are in the stores, so you can really save up your money. Also, you can really find a gift that is a perfect fit for the person you’re shopping for because of the large variety of items available to you.
If you’re a little indecisive and have trouble picking out gifts for people, instead of settling for something generic, do an activity with the person that you know you’ll both enjoy. If the gift’s for your significant other, plan a special movie night with a holiday-themed film and snacks that you both love. Whether you’re into romantic comedies like Love Actually or horror thrillers like Jack Frost, you can tailor this holiday movie to what you both love.

You can do the same thing for family or friends.  If you’re looking for a gift for a parent, plan an outing that includes some of your family’s favorite activities for the holidays. Maybe your family goes ice-skating every Christmas or makes potato latkes (pancakes) on Hannukah. No matter what the holiday is, it’s always nice to spend it with your family, especially for us college students who want a break from the stress and work at school.
These non-conventional gift ideas work for college students because they not only save you money, but they show that you thought about the gift and want to make it special. So to all of you scurrying to find the perfect gift: relax, sit back, and let your creative juices flow.