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A Collegiette’s Guide to Saving Your Dollars and Cents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

In college, everyone can go through their wallet so quickly. Whether you are a girl or boy, have a job or not have a job, managing your money is always such a challenge. Why eat diner food when you can get Chipotle? You are tired as anything in McKeldin at night so why not get coffee, candy, and a sandwich from Footnotes? While those things are always so nice at the moment, little things (even going to the Commons shop daily for a candy bar) really do add up. Then how are you supposed to manage your money?
One of the best things to do if you have a dining plan is eat on campus! A lot of people get tired of the food but that is also because some people eat a buffalo chicken wrap for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Try the new pasta line in the north campus Diner or try something new! Don’t avoid Sprouts like it’s the plague because a lot of the food (ex: veggie wraps Panini-grilled) is so good.

Instead of looking to buy your formal dress off a website or go into the city for a dress, save yourself the cash and ask to go shopping in a friend’s closet! There might be something that your friend never wears but you find it as a perfect fit. It saves you the time and money of finding something to wear and you get to rummage through your friend’s closet to see what you else can “steal” later for the night!
While getting coffee from Starbucks is the most refreshing thing for a college student, especially if you’re getting a passion iced tea lemonade, in the end, it’s expensive. A normal drink costs from $2-$4 and if you get that every school day for a month, that’s $40-$80 just on coffee! Opt for the more cheaper choice of buying a bag of Starbucks coffee beans and make your own coffee in the morning! If you’re more of the passion lemonade kind of customer, just make hot passion tea with the Tazo bag, add ice + sugar + lemonade and you’re a barista! There are tons of ways to get your caffeine fix and spending that much money per month is just not worth it.

When you are going out at night and you are with your friends is another time to be careful of how much you swipe. While you may be caught up in having fun and nothing else seems to matter much, remember that your tab is still running and that it is still adding up. It’s easy to forget how much you’re spending since you’re not signing after each item you order from the restaurant.
Traveling may be a blast but I’m sure everyone’s spring break trip to Panama City caused some kind of damage to their bank accounts. When traveling is a good thing to make a big purchase towards, be smart about what you spend on when you visit places! Attraction areas like the beach often hike up their prices because stores know that people will still purchase them. A plane ticket to your destination and back are necessary, but buying Panama City shirts for everyone in your family and friends might not be. Be wise in what you invest in!

Most importantly, if you are tight on a budget due to paying for tuition and housing, think about your different financing options. Those that are paying out of pocket might want to visit a financial aid advisor and discuss loan options. Scholarships always seem impossible to receive because you feel like one in a million, but spend time over the time applying! Large companies like Colgate and Nordstroms offer great scholarships, but they do cater to a large application pool. Look for scholarships funded by local groups in your community or those given by groups on campus.
The best thing about saving money in college is that it preps you for the real world! By managing a small account now, you will have some experience when you get to the age of purchasing a mortgage and having large credit cards. And if you mess up, you always have some sort of cushion to fall back on: your parents. You might get some annoyed faces, but they are there to help you manage your money well for your future.