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Brandyn Phillips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.


Name: Brandyn Phillips

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Year: Junior ‘14

Favorite Activities: Works with the Peer Leadership Council, involved with the Catholic Student Center, enjoys Pop Culture (Music, Movies, and Books) and he enjoys running.

Describe to me your ‘ideal’ woman: “Ideally, she’s just someone really fun—but on a deeper level, she’s just someone who makes me want to be a better person inherently.”

Turn-Offs: “It’s not a turn-off as much as it makes me sad when a girl isn’t confident in herself—whether it’s because she doesn’t trust herself or someone instilled that within her. It’s also just hard to work with…insecurity and clinginess—because again, they’re just hard to work with. Also, someone who is narrow-minded, cause ain’t nobody go time for that!”

Favorite Movies: “Finding Nemo, Tron:Legacy because it’s visually stunning and because the soundtrack is kickin’! Also, Midnight in Paris—I just saw it but I really enjoyed it.”

Celebrity Crushes: (In no particular order): “Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson, and Emma Stone.”

Favorite Thing that a Girl Has Done For You: “It was my 18th birthday, and my best friend and girlfriend at the time surprised me in class with a lightsaber battle. It was everything you could imagine. It’s just nice to be surprised.”

Old or New School View of Dating: “I have traditional sensibilities, but I practice new-age techniques. So, I’m a strong proponent of chivalry, but I’m not afraid to split the check especially in this economy.”

Favorite Subject: “Aerospace—I’m very lucky because what I’m studying is what I’m most passionate about.”

A Day that you Want to Relive: “The eighteenth of January in 2012—the day I went swimming in the Great Barrier Reef.”

Something that Brandyn wants every girl to know: “Bruno Mars said it best, “You’re amazing just the way you are.”