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5 Reasons It’s Okay to be Single during Cuffing Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

Happy cuffing season! If it seems like all of your friends are talking to some new guy while you’re still riding solo, here are 5 reasons why you have nothing to worry about. 

No boyfriend, no problem.   

These are basic words of wisdom that every college girl should live by. No boyfriend means you have no one to worry about, no one to make your bathroom all messy, and no one can mess with your feelings. Boyfriend drama is no fun and something that single girls never have to worry about!

No guy means you don’t have to share anything with anyone. 

So obviously this means more pizza for you! Forget the fancy dinner dates for two and the whole idea of splitting a carryout order with your significant other. When you’re single you can order whatever you want, and it’s all yours.  Or, you can stay in and make your own healthy dinners for yourself…the opportunities are endless when you’re the one in charge!  

No boyfriend means no heartbreak.

We’ve all been there before…and all of your friends getting together for cuffing season will be feeling this one around February. It’s never a fun time when you and your guy end and you feel like your life is over forever. You know- when you spend all night eating ice cream and deleting old Facebook and Insta posts of the two of you. So why put yourself at risk for that this cuffing season when the only thing that a single girl has to worry about breaking her heart is her favorite Netflix series?!

The freedom of being a single girl.   

There’s nothing like it. You can wear whatever you want, go wherever you want to whenever you want, and talk to whatever guys you want to. Do you want to wear a tiny dress and just go crazy with your girls? Do it. Or want to stay in bed and eat ice cream while watching Netflix all night? Go for it, no one’s stopping you! 

Being single makes you stronger.  

College is all about being able to make it through tough times on your own. Your single self is a strong girl and a girl that you have to learn to love. The last thing a college girl should be worrying about is a boyfriend, because at this point in your life there are SO many other things going on- friends, classes, extra-curriculars, jobs, concerts, studying abroad opportunities, vacations, parties…the list seriously goes on forever! If you throw yourself into this crazy world of opportunities and fun, then the right guy for you will come along right when he’s supposed to. 

So, don’t worry one bit if you’ve been flying solo lately while your other friends are with new guys. Cuffing season is just a gratuitous title given to this time of the year and being single is never something to worry about- just play some Beyoncé and keep doing you!