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The Truth About Graduating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

It’s finals week which means that graduation is just around the corner… literally. Seniors at Marshall University will be graduating this Saturday at 9am at Big Sandy Superstore Arena. While high school graduation was all fun and games, graduating college is a whole other ball park. Sure, the grads will celebrate with family and friends, but once the parties are over, where will they go? Grad school? The real world? I talked with senior, Taylor Hickman, to see how she was feeling about graduating on Saturday. 

Hickman said, “The scariest thing is not knowing what my life has in store for me.” She also said that graduating is bittersweet, and she is uncertain what she is even going to do after she graduates. Hickman is an active member in her sorority and will miss the friends she has made at Marshall and the care-free life she has lived.  

Hickman is certainly not alone when it comes to being scared about what is to come in her life after college. Many grads have no idea what their life has in store and are struggling to snag a steady job. An entire forum has even been made to talk about how scary this milestone is. If I were a graduate, I would be a little scared, too. In 2013, the unemployment rate for college graduates was 10.9%, which is above the national average, but the lowest it has been since 2007. If you are an upcoming grad and have yet to snag a job, I have a few tips for you:

1. Get an internship

Interning usually occurs during our junior year, but it’s never too late to start. If you already have a place in mind that you know you would love to work at, request an internship if they are not hiring. You may start off just running errands, but in time, you could actually become an employee at your dream job!

2. Get a LinkedIn profile

According to Forbes, LinkedIn profiles are a must have for snagging a job. It looks good to employers and you can include all extra curricular activities and any jobs you’ve previously had. It is becoming the new thing. 

3. Be persistant

You aren’t going to get that dream job by standing around and waiting for them to contact you. You are going to get the job if you contact them and stay up-to-date with things going on in their business. Go fill out your application, and don’t be afraid to call and remind them who you are!

4. Relax

Everything will be okay! Take a deep breath, and know that things are going to work out. 

I hope these tips will help you a little, and to everyone graduating on Saturday, good luck with everything life has in store!

Taylor Hickman ’14



Mallory Norton is a business management major at Marshall University. She is the co-founder of Her Campus Marshall. She enjoys horse back riding, brownies, and her beautiful city of Huntington.