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Jordan Fanelli: Costume Man Extraordinaire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

Jordan is this week’s campus celeb. He is currently a sophomore studying economics. He is involved in countless extracurricular activities and is making his time here at Marshall count. Don’t know the name Jordan? He is more commonly known by his last name, Fanelli, but has recently been seen around campus, on twitter, and on the front page of the Parthenon in the infamous hot dog costume. I had the privilege of sitting down with Fanelli and asking him a little about his life. 

HC: What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

JF: I am a member of Alpha Tau Omega, the treasurer for SGA (student government association), and I am on the committee for Dance Thunder.

HC:What are some upcoming events with SGA?

JF: A big one is voting on November 7th. We will have a table set up. Homecoming week has a lot going on, we have the parade and a breakfast at 7:30 on the day of homecoming (Oct. 11). A lot of the community will be coming out for the parade because there are a lot of people in it like politicians and student organizations. The week leading up to it will have some fun activities such as canned food art, Marco’s smoothie mix, and the Fundie Run, where clothes are donated. The game is at noon on Saturday and Mr. and Miss Marshall will be announced.    

HC: What do you like to do in your spare time?

JF: Hang out with friends, watch tv and football, and just chill out and have fun. 

HC: What is you favorite college memory thus far?

JF: I really enjoy the socials that my fraternity has with the sororities. I also really enjoyed Greek Week last year. The competition and challenging yourself was fun and there was just so much going on. 

HC: How did it feel to be on the front page of the Parthenon in a hot dog suit?

JF: I really loved it! I didn’t expect it to get publicized but it was for a good cause and I really didn’t care. I had a kid come up to me when I was in the suit and ask for my autograph and I was able to publicize Thunder (dance marathon happening in the spring) to the kid and his mom. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. 

It was a pleasure talking with Fanelli and learning about all he is involved in on campus. Be sure that when you see him, you say hey, or even ask for an autograph!

Mallory Norton is a business management major at Marshall University. She is the co-founder of Her Campus Marshall. She enjoys horse back riding, brownies, and her beautiful city of Huntington.