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The Amazing, Paige Ward!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

Paige Ward


Year: Freshman

Major:  Social Work

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Interests: Sports, God, Traveling

An interesting fact: Denver, Colorado is my favorite place to snowboard.

Involved at Marshall: YoungLife College, Cru, Rugby

HC: If you could trade places with any celebrity, who would be?

P: Carrie Underwood

HC: If you could describe your life in a mixed drink, what would it be?

P: Hmm… Blue Motorcycle.

HC: What is one thing you wish you were good at?

P: Drawing! I wish I were more artistic and creative.

HC: What is a fun fact about yourself?

P: After I graduate I plan to go into the Peace Corps and eventually become a long-term missionary overseas.

HC: What do you look for in a guy?

P: Someone who loves God and can make me laugh.

HC: What is your motto on life?

P: Praise God, be kind, and fill your life with joy!

Just for fun…

Favorite Movie: Facing the Giants

Favorite Food: Anything my Grammy cooks of course!

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Song: Oceans by Hillsong

Pet Peeve: When people clap at the end of a movie!

Kendyl is a public relations major at Marshall University. She enjoys eating food and bringing joy to people as a part time waitress! (: